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Normal Wear & Tear – What is it?

A question I often get from clients with regard to the requirement to return security deposits is “What is the difference between normal wear and tear and tenant damage?” It’s an important question, because the landlord/tenant laws in virtually every…

A. J. Johnson to Offer Fair Housing Webinar

A. J. Johnson will be conducting a webinar on July 23, 2020 on Compliance with Federal and State Fair Housing Requirements. The Webinar will be held from 1:00 PM to 4 PM Eastern Time. This training will equip attendees with…

Webinar on VAWA Plans for LIHTC Properties

A. J. Johnson will be conducting a webinar on July 22, 2020 on The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) – Guidance for LIHTC Owners & Management Agents. The Webinar will be held at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. The Violence Against…

Housing Crisis Looms with End of Eviction Moratoriums

The United States is on the cusp of a housing crisis. As states begin lifting eviction moratoriums, and with the July rent coming due, millions are still suffering from the economic damage caused by the pandemic. In Congress, Senator Elizabeth…

A COVID-19 Best Practice Reminder for Multifamily Housing

COVID-19 IS A SERIOUS RESPIRATORY ILLNESS THAT CAN SPREAD FROM PERSON TO PERSON. It is unfortunate that months into this crisis, people still have to be reminded about how serious an illness COVID-19 is. The current resurgent outbreaks in multiple…

Warn Residents of COVID-19 Scams

Scammers, fraudsters, and other criminals are taking advantage of rapidly changing data and facts associated with COVID-19, both in the workplace and in our homes. Government agencies, corporations, and news outlets continue to warn individuals to be mindful of increased…

HUD Issues Notice on Electronic Signatures

On May 26, 2020, HUD issued Notice H20-4, Electronic Signature, Transmission and Storage – Guidance for Multifamily Assisted Housing Industry Partners. This Notice provides guidance to HUD multifamily assisted housing partners on electronic signatures, electronic transmission, and electronic storage of…

Webinar on Fair Housing and COVID-19

A. J. Johnson will be conducting a webinar on June 2, 2020 on Complying with Fair Housing Law in the Age of COVID-19. The Webinar will be held at 10:00 AM Eastern Time. This one hour webinar will provide property…

Joe Biden Releases Housing Plan

Former Vice President and presumed Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden has released a comprehensive housing plan – much of which deals with affordable rental housing, including the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program. Following are the major elements of the 81-page…

CARES Act – Impact on Multifamily Housing Operators

On March 27, 2020, the President signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act (Senate Amendment to H.R. 748. This $2 trillion bill provides financial aid to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and state and local governments. It…

Dealing with Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Multifamily Properties

At this time, all but one state (West Virginia) has reported cases of coronavirus, more accurately known as “corona virus disease 2019,” or COVID-19. Areas with dense populations are particularly susceptible to an outbreak due to the proximity of individuals…

NSPIRE – HUD Replacement for REAC Protocol is Moving Forward

The Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) is well underway in the overhaul of its Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) physical inspection protocol. The REAC inspection process will eventually be replaced with a new physical inspection procedure known as…

A New Tool for Landlords “Non-Smoking” Policies

One of the most difficult parts of implementing a non-smoking policy at an apartment community is enforcing compliance. Detection of smokers can be difficult and precisely locating the source of smoke even more so. Now, thanks to a New Hampshire…

2020 Mileage Rates

The IRS has issued the mileage rates for 2020, including the rate for miles driven for medical purposes. This is an important rate for Section 8 and Rural Development Properties since elderly households may deduct such mileage as a medical…