HUD Releases Updated Residents Rights and Responsibilities Brochure – March 2018

On March 8, 2018, HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs released an updated Resident Rights and Responsibilities Brochure. The brochure may be downloaded and printed at


This brochure provides a summary of key resident rights and responsibilities for residents living in HUD multifamily assisted housing, along with resources and contact information for residents needing assistance. Owners must provide applicants and residents with a copy of the brochure at move-in and annually at recertification.


While owners should have printed copies available for residents, HUD is encouraging owners/agents (OAs) to distribute the brochure electronically. Translation of the updated brochure is currently pending and will be posted to HUD’s Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity website once complete.


The new brochure provides some much needed updates, including (1) additional rights for residents; (2) new protected classes introduced with the Equal Access Rule; (3) a reminder to residents that they have a responsibility to notify O/As of changes in a timely manner; (4) expanded information about the right of residents to be involved in operational issues; (5) references more HUD programs including the RAD program; (6) provides additional information about Enhanced Vouchers; and (7) updates information about HUD resources and contacts.


Owners should replace prior versions of this brochure with this new version.
