Setting Up a Home Visit Program

One of the best practices to assist a management company in determining whether an applicant will be a good resident is a home visit program. Before considering the establishment of such a program, management should be aware of the difficulties with administering a home visit program, and ensure that such a program is properly established. Following are suggested guidelines for the establishment of a Home Visit Program.


1. Maintain a written policy. This policy should require home visits for all applicants, with only two exceptions: (1) Distance – establish a geographic radius in which home visits are made. I recommend making 50 road miles the maximum travel distance; and (2) Credit Report or Letter from Previous Landlord is Unavailable – home visits should be conducted only on those without either a credit history or a landlord reference.

2. Set a policy regarding when the visit will take place. Home visits should be conducted only when the applicant reaches the top of the waiting list, has provided all required information, and has passed all other screening criteria. All applicants should sign a statement agreeing to an unscheduled home visit. Then, call no more than one hour ahead of time.

3. What to look for:

v Other occupants;

v Pets;

v Housekeeping; and

v Criminal Activity

When conducting the inspection, apply the same standards as the HUD Uniform Physical Conditions Standards (UPCS). Therefore, ensure that inspecting staff have at least a basic understanding of these standards.


When conducting the inspection, staff should look specifically for:

v Soiled surfaces in bathrooms;

v Severely stained carpets;

v Four odors;

v Damaged appliances; and

v Holes in ceilings/walls/floors


If applicants have roommates, be sure only the area under the control of the applicant is evaluated.


Always give applicants a chance to explain substandard conditions, keeping in mind that conditions could be the fault of the landlord.


If you are considering the adoption of a home visit program, be sure to implement the program on a consistent basis. If you have questions, or would like assistance in establishing such a program, please feel free to give me a call.

