
Webinar Announcement: Tenant-on-Tenant Harassment in Multifamily Housing

A.J. Johnson will host a pivotal webinar titled "Tenant-on-Tenant Harassment in Multifamily Housing: Navigating the Challenges" on June 20, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Eastern Time. Webinar Overview This essential webinar addresses the pressing issue of tenant-on-tenant harassment in multifamily housing properties. The session will provide property managers and landlords with the knowledge and tools to handle these conflicts effectively, ensuring a safe and respectful living environment for all residents. The webinar will cover the legal implications of harassment, preventative measures, and practical strategies for managing tenant interactions. Key Topics Understanding Harassment: Learn the definitions and examples of tenant-on-tenant harassment. Legal Framework: Gain an overview of the laws and regulations that protect tenants from harassment. Roles and Responsibilities: Understand what landlords and property managers can and should do when faced with tenant complaints. Who Should Attend This webinar is ideal for: Property Managers Landlords Real Estate Professionals Tenant Advocates Legal Professionals Registration Interested participants can register for the webinar on the A.J. Johnson Consulting Services website under the "Training Schedule" section. For more details and to secure your spot, visit Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and management of tenant-on-tenant harassment in multifamily housing. Register today to ensure your residents a safer and more harmonious living environment.

HUD Proposes Comprehensive Changes to HOME Rules

On May 15, 2024, HUD published a preview of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing significant changes to the HOME Program. The proposed rule is expected to be published in the Federal Register before June, and public comments are due no later than 60 days after that publication. The proposed rule would make changes in many areas: Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Requirements: Major revisions to CHDO requirements are proposed to streamline processes and improve efficiency. HOME Rents Approach: A new methodology for setting HOME rents is being introduced to better align with current housing market conditions. Small-Scale Rental Projects: Requirements for small-scale rental projects will be simplified, making it easier for developers to comply. HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Programs: The proposed changes will provide greater flexibility in TBRA programs, allowing for more effective tenant support. Community Land Trusts (CLTs): New flexibilities and simplified provisions are being proposed to encourage their use and effectiveness. Tenant Protections: The rule would significantly strengthen tenant protections by mandating a HOME tenancy addendum with a uniform set of protections to be included in leases of all HOME-assisted rental housing units. For tenants receiving TBRA, a streamlined set of protections will be required. Advanced Property Standards: HUD proposes incentives for meeting higher property standards incorporating green building practices, enhanced energy efficiency, and innovative construction techniques for new construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation projects. Homeownership Housing Resale Requirements: Clarifications to resale requirements for homeownership housing are included to ensure transparency and consistency. Technical Amendments and Simplifications: The proposed rule will make technical amendments and simplifications to align with the changes introduced in the 2013 HOME Final Rule. These proposed changes are part of a broader effort to modernize and improve the HOME program, incorporating updates from the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA), the Economic Growth Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, and the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) Final Rule. Additionally, the rule updates citations to align with recent changes to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations at 2 CFR part 200. HUD plans to publish further rulemaking to ensure consistency across all regulations. The proposed changes are detailed in the Proposed Regulation, with further revisions anticipated following the implementation of the HOTMA and NSPIRE Final Rules. While all the proposed changes are important, I will publish a series of articles in the weeks ahead outlining the proposed changes in four specific areas: (1) HOME Rents, (2) Small Scale Rental Projects, (3) Tenant Protections, and (4) Advanced Property Standards.

"HUD Issues New Guidelines on AI Usage in Applicant Screening"

On May 2, 2024, the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) released two crucial guidance documents. These documents address the Fair Housing Act (FHA) application to two areas where the use of artificial intelligence (AI) poses particular concerns: the tenant screening process and its application to the advertising of housing opportunities through online platforms that use targeted ads. This guidance, mandated by an Executive Order from President Biden, is a significant step in combating discrimination enabled by algorithmic tools used to make leasing decisions. In this article, I will explain the HUD guidance regarding tenant screening using AI and outline the crucial steps that owners and managers of multifamily housing must take to avoid potential liability in this area. Your role in implementing these steps is vital to ensuring fair and nondiscriminatory housing practices. This guidance from HUD is a comprehensive explanation of how the Fair Housing Act serves as a protective shield for the rights of applicants for rental housing. It provides recommendations and best practices for housing providers and tenant screening companies to ensure compliance with the Fair Housing Act. The guidance's primary goal is to guarantee that the screening of applicants for rental housing is conducted in a nondiscriminatory manner. It also aims to help applicants understand their rights and identify instances when they may have been unlawfully denied housing. The guidance also acknowledges the growing use of advanced technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, by tenant screening companies and reiterates that the Fair Housing Act applies to housing decisions irrespective of the technology used. According to the guidance, certain screenings are particularly likely to pose fair housing concerns. These include: Screening criteria that disproportionately exclude applicants of a certain race or other protected class: If a screening policy has a disparate impact on a protected class, it may be considered discriminatory. Conducting more precise screenings focusing on relevant information can help mitigate this concern. Screening based on past actions unrelated to tenancy or incidents unlikely to recur: Screening policies should focus on information relevant to applicants' ability to comply with their tenancy obligations. Screening criteria that consider past actions or incidents that are not directly related to tenancy or are unlikely to recur may result in unfair and discriminatory exclusions. Inaccurate records and incomplete datasets: Screening companies should ensure that the records they use are accurate and complete. Inaccurate records can disproportionately affect certain demographic groups, and incomplete datasets may lead to biased screening outcomes. Screening companies should also avoid using wildcard or name-only matching procedures, which can lead to erroneous attributions and misidentifications. Overbroad screening policies: Screening policies should be tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the housing provider. Overbroad screening policies that consider irrelevant or unnecessary information may result in discriminatory outcomes. Screening policies should be clear, detailed, and publicly available to ensure transparency and fairness. Lack of transparency in complex models: Housing providers and tenant screening companies that use complex models, such as those based on machine learning or artificial intelligence, should ensure transparency in their decision-making processes. Lack of transparency can make it difficult to assess whether a model complies with fair housing laws and can lead to discriminatory outcomes. Models should be designed, tested, and monitored for fairness and accuracy. Housing managers and tenant screening companies must be fully aware of these fair housing concerns and take immediate steps to address them in their screening practices. Non-compliance can lead to serious legal and reputational consequences, underscoring the urgency of this matter. The three types of screenings discussed in the document are: Credit History Screening: This type of screening involves assessing an applicant's credit history, including their credit scores and reports. The document highlights the disparities and potential discriminatory effects based on race, national origin, sex, disability, or other protected characteristics. It emphasizes that credit scores were not designed to predict tenancy behavior accurately and that overreliance on credit history may result in unjustified discrimination. Eviction History Screening: Eviction history screening involves reviewing an applicant's records for past evictions. The document points out that eviction records can be unreliable. It highlights the disproportionate impact of evictions on certain groups, such as Black and Hispanic renters, women, families with children, and individuals with disabilities. It cautions against overbroad screening policies that do not consider eviction records' nature, recency, or relevance and emphasizes the need for fair and accurate assessments. Criminal Records Screening: This type of screening involves considering an applicant's criminal history. The document highlights the disproportionate impact on individuals with disabilities and Black and Brown persons and emphasizes that overbroad criminal record screenings can have unjustified discriminatory effects. It recommends differentiating between offenses based on their nature, severity, and recency and providing opportunities for applicants to present evidence of rehabilitation or mitigating factors. Reasonable accommodations may be required for individuals with disabilities or those who have experienced domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. These three screenings are particularly likely to pose fair housing concerns due to the potential for disparate impact and discriminatory outcomes. The document provides guidance on how housing providers and tenant screening companies can ensure their screening practices comply with fair housing laws and promote equal opportunity for all applicants. The Role of Tenant Screening Companies in Discriminatory Decisions Tenant screening companies can play a role in discriminatory decisions by providing screening reports and recommendations to housing providers. They influence the outcome through their screening practices, criteria and standards, discretionary factors, denial recommendations, and the accuracy and completeness of records. Tenant screening companies must ensure compliance with fair housing laws and strive for transparency, accuracy, and fairness in their screening processes to minimize the potential for discriminatory decisions. Most importantly, owners must remember that it is not the screening companies who deny applicants - it is the property owners. Courts Have Weighed in on the Issue The document mentions several court cases to provide legal context and support the guidance related to tenant screening practices and the Fair Housing Act. Key cases include: Sec y of Dept. of Hous. & Urb. Dev. ex rel. Loveless v. Wesley Apt. Homes, LLC: Related to tenant screening practices. Conn. Fair Hous. Ctr. v. CoreLogic Rental Prop. Sols., LLC: Highlights tenant screening companies' liability under the Fair Housing Act. Meyer v. Holley: Explains vicarious liability and housing providers' responsibility for agents' actions. Sabal Palm Condos. of Pine Ridge Ass n, Inc. v. Fischer: Discusses tenant screening companies' liability. United States v. Balistrieri: Supports the broad application of the Fair Housing Act. Village of Arlington Heights v. Metro. Hous. Dev. Corp.: Related to proving discriminatory intent. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green: Framework for proving discriminatory intent using circumstantial evidence. Tex. Dept. of Hous. & Cmty. Aff. v. Inclusive Cmtys. Project, Inc.: Burden-shifting framework for proving discriminatory effects. La. Fair Hous. Action Ctr. v. Azalea Garden Props., LLC: Example of discriminatory effects liability in tenant screening practices. Information to Provide When Denying an Application When denying an applicant's application, the following information should be provided to the applicant: A detailed denial explanation that specifies the reasons for the denial and the specific standards or criteria that the applicant did not meet. Supporting documentation, such as the screening report or records relied upon in making the decision. Information on how to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any negative information. Information on how to request an appeal if an appeal process is available. Information on requesting a reasonable accommodation if the applicant has a disability. An adverse action notice that includes the specific reasons for the denial based on screening results. Contact information for the tenant screening company or housing provider responsible for the denial. Information on the screening process, including the criteria used for evaluation and the sources of information relied upon. The right to dispute or correct any inaccurate information that may have contributed to the denial. Reminders of fair housing rights and protections, including information on filing a complaint if discrimination is believed to have occurred. Bottom Line To comply with the guidance provided, owners can consider the following recommendations: Review and update screening policies to ensure they are fair and do not disproportionately impact protected groups. Use disparate impact analysis to identify and mitigate any potential discriminatory effects of screening policies. Evaluate alternative methods of assessing an applicant's financial responsibility, such as rental payment history or income verification, instead of relying solely on credit history. Carefully assess eviction history screening practices, considering the circumstances surrounding the eviction. When conducting criminal records screening, differentiate between criminal offenses based on their nature, severity, and recency. Implement mitigating circumstances and provide reasonable accommodations for applicants with disabilities or those who have experienced domestic violence. Regularly audit and monitor screening practices to ensure compliance with fair housing laws. Provide transparency in the screening process by clearly communicating the criteria and allowing applicants to challenge negative information. Stay informed about fair housing laws and seek legal guidance to ensure compliance with the latest guidelines and requirements. Finally, remember that overreliance on screening company algorithms to make leasing decisions can lead to fair housing trouble. It is people who are applying for housing. It should be people who make the final decision about that person's suitability for housing.

A. J. Johnson Partners with Mid-Atlantic AHMA for Affordable Housing Training - June 2024

In June 2024, A. J. Johnson, a renowned expert in the field, will join forces with the esteemed Mid-Atlantic Affordable Housing Management Association to conduct training sessions for real estate professionals. These sessions, tailored for those in the affordable multifamily housing field, will be delivered through live webinars, culminating in an in-person administration of the HCCP exam.  The following sessions are scheduled: June 6: HOTMA - Update on HUD Requirements - On January 9, 2023, HUD published a final rule implementing The Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act (HOTMA), signed into law on July 29, 2016. This final rule was published in the Federal Register on February 14, 2023, and became effective on January 1, 2024. Virtually all HUD programs are impacted by the rule, as are the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program and the Rural Development Section 515 Program. Since publishing the final rule in February 2023, HUD has provided additional guidance in implementing the rule, including extensions regarding implementation. This three-hour training will explain any updated HUD guidance and will cover the following areas: (1) Definitional changes relating to earned and unearned income, non-recurring income, and foster children; (2) Revised Income Exclusions; (3) New requirements relative to Student Financial Assistance; (4) Changes to the HUD permitted deductions from gross income, including a full review of the new "hardship exemptions;" (5) Brand new rules regarding assets; (6) New Interim Recertification requirements; (6); and (7) the new definition of "annual income." This session is a must for all managers of HUD, Rural Development, and LIHTC properties and will provide plenty of opportunity for Q&A. June 11: Intermediate LIHTC Compliance - Designed for more experienced managers, supervisory personnel, investment asset managers, and compliance specialists, this program expands on the information covered in the Basics of Tax Credit Site Management. A more in-depth discussion of income verification issues and minimum set-aside issues (including the Average Income Minimum Set-Aside), optional fees, HOTMA changes, and use of common areas are included. The Available Unit Rule is covered in great detail, as are the requirements for units occupied by students. Attendees will also learn the requirements for setting rents at a tax-credit property. This course contains some practice problems but is more discussion-oriented than the Basic course. A calculator is required for this course. June 12: Advanced LIHTC Compliance - This full-day training is intended for senior management staff, developers, corporate finance officers, and others involved in decision-making concerning how LIHTC deals are structured. This training covers complex issues such as eligible and qualified basis, applicable fraction, credit calculation (including first-year calculation), placed-in-service issues, rehab projects, tax-exempt bonds, projects with HOME funds, Next Available Unit Rule, employee units, mixed-income properties, the Average Income Minimum Set-Aside, vacant unit rule, and dealing effectively with State Agencies. Individuals taking the HCCP exam on June 13 will be provided with study materials and a practice exam to assist in preparation for the HCCP exam. June 13: Review of testable areas and administration of the Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP ) exam (In-person exam in Richmond, VA). After two days of intensive and comprehensive live webinar LIHTC training, AJ will review program requirements and administer the HCCP exam in person. These sessions are part of a year-long collaboration between A. J. Johnson and MidAtlantic AHMA designed to provide affordable housing professionals with the knowledge needed to effectively manage the complex requirements of the various agencies overseeing these programs. Persons interested in any (or all) training sessions may register by visiting either or

HUD Issues Fair Housing Act Guidance on Use of Artificial Intelligence

On May 2, 2024, the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) released two guidance documents addressing the application of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) to two areas in which the use of artificial intelligence (AI) poses particular concerns: the tenant screening process and its application to the advertising of housing opportunities through online platforms that use targeted ads. This guidance follows an Executive Order from President Biden that required HUD to provide guidance to combat discrimination enabled by algorithmic tools used to make leasing decisions. This guidance clearly states that the FHA applies to tenant screening and housing advertising, including when AI performs these functions. The tenant screening guidance describes fair housing issues created by tenant screening practices, including the increasing use of third-party screening companies to aid tenant screening decisions and the emerging use of machine learning and AI. The guidance also suggests best practices for fair, transparent, non-discriminatory tenant screening policies for housing providers and companies offering tenant screening services. Housing providers and tenant screening companies are crucial in ensuring that tenant screenings are transparent, accurate, and fair. The tenant screening guidance underscores that the use of third-party screening companies, including those that use AI or other advanced technologies, must comply with the FHA. It also emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all housing applicants are given an equal opportunity to be evaluated on merit, making you feel responsible and accountable for fair practices. Advertisers and online platforms should be acutely aware of the risks of deploying targeted advertisement tools for ads covered by the FHA. Violations of the Act can occur when certain ad targeting and delivery functions unlawfully deny consumers information about housing opportunities based on their protected characteristics. Similarly, violations can occur when ad targeting and delivery functions are used, based on protected characteristics, to target vulnerable consumers for predatory products or services, display content that could discourage or deter potential consumers, or charge different amounts for delivered advertisements. This highlights the need for caution and strict adherence to the FHA. Owners and managers using third-party screening services for applicant selection should carefully review this new HUD guidance. I will provide future articles analyzing both the screening guidance and the use of online platforms.

HUD Publishes Income and Rent Limits for Multiple Programs, Including HOME

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published income limits for seven programs on April 29, 2024. Income limits for the following programs go into effect on May 1, 2024: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CDBG Disaster Recovery Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Income limits for the following programs go into effect on June 1, 2024: Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Housing Trust Fund (HTF) HUD also published the 2024 rent limits for HOME and HTF, which take effect on June 1, 2024. For the CDBG, CDBG-DR, and NSP programs, HUD is ensuring the accuracy of the information by updating the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator on May 1, 2024, to reflect these programs effective date. It's important to note that calculations based on the FY 2023 Income Limits data will only be accessible if downloaded from the calculator and saved to a user s hard drive (or printed off) before May 1. Calculations completed on or after May 1 will use the FY 2024 Income Limits to determine eligibility. Please note that for the rest of the CPD programs (e.g., ESG, HOPWA, HOME, HTF), the CPD Income Eligibility Calculator will continue to use FY 2023 Income Limits until the FY 2024 are in effect on June 1, 2024.

HUD Publishes Proposed Rule on Reducing Barriers to Affordable Housing - Including New Criminal Screening Requirements

On April 10, 2024, HUD published a proposed rule titled "Reducing Barriers to HUD-Assisted Housing." Comments on the proposed rule are due no later than June 9, 2024. In the proposed rule, HUD assumes that everyone deserves to be considered as the individual they are, and everyone needs a safe and affordable place to live. For people with criminal records, having a stable place to live is critical to rebuilding a productive life. Yet too many people who apply for housing opportunities are not given full consideration as individuals but instead are denied opportunities simply because they have a criminal record. Criminal records are often incomplete or inaccurate, and criminal conduct that occurred years ago may not indicate a person's current fitness as a tenant. Criminal screening policies disproportionately impact Black and Brown people, Native Americans, other people of color, people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized and underserved communities. In April 2016, HUD issued guidance to all housing providers cautioning that unnecessary and unwarranted exclusions based on criminal records may create a risk of Fair Housing Act liability because they can have an unjustified disparate impact based on race. That guidance advised housing providers that individualized assessments considering relevant mitigating information are likely to have a less discriminatory effect than categorical exclusions based on criminal record. HUD believes that people are still excluded from HUD-assisted housing for convictions that do not reflect current fitness for tenancy, such as stale convictions dating back more than a quarter century or those for low-level, nonviolent offenses, such as riding a subway without paying a fare. As mounting evidence shows, such exclusions do little to further legitimate interests such as safety, as an increasing number of housing providers and public housing agencies (PHAs) now recognize. This proposed rule would help standardize practices within HUD programs concerning prospective tenants. The goal is to provide clearer rules and standards to help HUD-subsidized housing providers, and PHAs carry out the legitimate and important ends of maintaining the safety of their properties and the surrounding communities and following federal law (which requires exclusion from HUD-assisted housing of people who are engaged in certain conduct or have certain criminal history), but without engaging in overbroad or discriminatory denials of housing. This proposed rule would establish in HUD program regulations a set of practices that already are required of housing providers under state and local law in much of the country; that are consistent with guidance HUD has provided to all housing providers to comply with the Fair Housing Act and to HUD-subsidized providers and PHAs to comply with program rules; and that, as HUD has heard from its industry partners, are already being used and work in practice to effectively balance various equities. In doing so, the proposed rule would clarify a legal landscape many HUD-subsidized housing providers and PHAs find confusing, leading to divergent practices within HUD programs. While existing HUD regulations generally permit a fact-specific, individualized assessment approach, they have not been updated to require it. This proposed rule would cover various HUD programs, including public housing and Section 8 assisted housing programs, as well as the Section 221(d)(3) below-market interest rate (BMIR) program, the Section 202 program for the elderly, the Section 811 program for persons with disabilities, and the Section 236 interest reduction payment program, and in doing so would amend existing programmatic regulations. A summary of some of how these changes would impact different program rules is explained below: Clarifying what counts as relevant criminal activity and how recently it must have occurred: Existing regulations permit an assisted owner or PHA (for voucher applicants) to prohibit admission when the household has engaged in "in a reasonable time prior to admission," (1) drug-related criminal activity; (2) violent criminal activity; (3) other criminal activity that would threaten the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises of other residents; or (4) other criminal activity that would threaten the health or safety of the PHA or owner or any employee, contractor, subcontractor or agent of the PHA or owner. While public housing regulations do not have a similar "reasonable time prior to admission" qualifier, there is a "relevancy" qualifier preceding these same four substantive categories of criminal activity. Under the proposed rule, PHAs and assisted owners would still be able to deny admission for these four categories of criminal activity; however, the proposed rule would clarify that assisted owners and PHAs may not deny admission for categories of criminal activity beyond those specified in the regulations. The proposed rule would require establishing a "lookback period" limiting the reliance on old convictions. For all programs, it would provide that prohibiting admission for some time longer than three years following any particular criminal activity is "presumptively unreasonable." The general rule would be that PHAs and assisted owners cannot make decisions based on criminal history that research indicates is not predictive of future criminal activity; that is irrelevant to safety, health, or fitness for tenancy; or that is based on incomplete or unreliable evidence of criminal activity ( e.g., a record for an arrest that has not resulted in a conviction). Specifying procedural requirements before denying admission: Program regulations require PHAs and assisted owners to follow various procedural steps before denying admission based on a criminal record but do not provide important specifics. For example, PHAs and assisted owners must notify the household of the proposed denial, supply a copy of a criminal record, and provide an opportunity to dispute the accuracy and relevancy of the record before the denial of admission. However, the current regulations do not specify how much notice a household must receive or the meaning of the opportunity to dispute the accuracy and relevancy of the record before a denial of admission. The proposed rule would clarify that tenants shall be given at least 15 days to challenge the information's accuracy and relevance and provide any relevant mitigating information before an admissions decision. Requiring a fact-specific and individualized assessment before making a discretionary decision to deny tenancy or admission based on criminal history: Current program regulations note that PHAs and assisted owners "may consider" certain circumstances before making a discretionary denial of admission or termination decision, and the different program regulations provide incomplete and inconsistent lists of appropriate considerations. HUD is proposing amended language that would make clear that for all discretionary admission and termination determinations, PHAs, and assisted owners must consider relevant mitigating circumstances. For admissions decisions, the proposed rule would require a fact-specific and individualized assessment of the applicant, adopting a term and concept familiar in the industry but not previously required in HUD programs. The proposed rule would harmonize the non-exhaustive list of relevant considerations across programs, setting out some specific factors that will frequently be considered relevant, such as how long ago the offense or incident occurred, mitigating conduct that has taken place since ( e.g., evidence of rehabilitation and successful reentry, including employment and tenancy), and completion of drug or alcohol treatment programs. So long as housing providers consider the circumstances relevant to the decision, the ultimate decision to deny tenancy or admission would remain within their discretion. Revising and making available tenant selection plans and PHA administrative plans: Under existing rules, owners participating in certain assisted housing programs must have a written tenant selection plan. The proposed rule would require these owners to update their tenant selection plans to reflect the relevant policies they employ within six months following this rule's effective date. The proposed rule would also require PHAs and owners to make PHA administrative plans and tenant selection policies more widely available. Providing additional guidance for PHAs and owners conducting screenings: When PHAs access criminal records from law enforcement agencies, existing regulations require PHAs to obtain consent from families before accessing their criminal records, require them to be kept confidential, and permit disclosure under limited circumstances. The proposed rule would broaden these protections to apply to all criminal record searches conducted by PHAs and assisted owners where appropriate. The proposed rule also would specify that, except in circumstances where housing providers and PHAs rely exclusively on an applicant's self-disclosure of a criminal record, they may not bar admission for failure to disclose a criminal record unless that criminal record would have been material to the decision. Clarifying mandatory admission denial standards: Language concerning mandatory admission denials based on criminal activity and alcohol abuse, which are required by federal statute, is largely left unchanged by the proposed rule. For example, the requirement that an assisted owner or PHA prohibit the admission of individuals "if any household member has been evicted from federally assisted housing for drug-related criminal activity" in the last three years unless the "the circumstances leading to the eviction no longer exist" has not been modified. Nor have any modifications been made to the prohibition on admission to HUD-assisted housing to those who are "subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a State sex offender registration program." The requirement that assisted owners or PHAs must establish standards to prohibit the admission of individuals "currently engaged in" illegal use of a drug and in situations where individuals' pattern of illegal drug use or alcohol abuse may interfere "with the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other resident[s]" would remain substantively unchanged. However, HUD proposes adding greater clarification to the definition of "currently engaging in," which, as described above, triggers a mandatory exclusion concerning illegal drug use and discretionary exclusion authority concerning certain criminal activity. The existing regulations provide only that currently engaging in "means that the individual has engaged in the behavior recently enough to justify a reasonable belief that the individual's behavior is current." The proposed rule would provide that a PHA or assisted owner may not rely solely on criminal activity that occurred 12 months ago or longer to establish that behavior is "current." The proposed rule would also require that any such determination be based on a preponderance of the evidence standard and that such a determination consider mitigating evidence, for example, that the individual has completed substance use treatment services. Specifying standards of proof in admissions and terminations decisions based on criminal activity: Existing regulations are largely silent on the standards of proof that must be met for admissions and terminations decisions based on criminal activity. Where they speak to the subject at all, they state broadly that an assisted owner or PHA may terminate a tenancy when a household member engages in certain criminal activity, regardless of whether they have been arrested or convicted for such activity, and without satisfying the heightened standard of proof necessary to support a criminal conviction. There is no similar provision in existing regulations regarding admission decisions, nor do existing rules specifically discuss how PHAs and assisted owners may or may not consider arrest records in making either admissions or termination determinations. The proposed rule would (1) prohibit the consideration of arrest records standing alone (in the absence of other reliable evidence of criminal conduct) for any exclusion from the housing and (2) provide that criminal conduct or any other finding on which such an exclusionary decision is made must be based on a preponderance of the evidence. This would establish and clarify certain evidentiary standards and requirements for making key determinations in a manner that is largely consistent with what HUD already recommends in guidance for its housing providers and PHAs. Implementing limited changes affecting owners accepting Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs) and Project Based Vouchers (PBVs): Most of the changes in the proposed rule would not apply to owners who participate in the HCV or PBV programs. The proposed rule would not apply most changes to owners participating in the HCV or PBV programs to avoid discouraging owner participation. Those owners who participate in the HCV or PBV programs would still be able to screen for drug-related criminal activity and other criminal activity that is a threat to the health, safety, or property of others. The proposed rule would add language to clarify that this includes "violent" criminal activity and that owners in the HCV and PBV program must also conduct any screening consistent with the Fair Housing Act, which was not previously spelled out in program regulations. Additionally, for tenancy terminations, HUD proposes the same standards regarding the preponderance of evidence and arrest records as would apply for PHAs and assisted owners. Finally, existing regulations note that owners "may consider" certain mitigating circumstances when terminating a tenancy. HUD proposes that where termination is based on criminal activity, illegal drug use, or alcohol abuse, an owner may consider an updated set of circumstances the same circumstances, including mitigating and contextualizing evidence, that PHAs and assisted owners would be required to consider in the context of admissions and termination decisions. Collectively, the principles embodied by this proposed rule are meant to ensure that people are considered individuals in HUD-assisted housing. Requiring housing providers and PHAs to make fact-specific determinations based on the totality of the circumstances, rather than denying opportunities based solely on criminal history, would help ensure that stale, inaccurate, and/or incomplete evidence and stigma surrounding people with criminal justice system involvement do not create unnecessary and counterproductive barriers to safe and affordable housing. Research shows that expanding access to such housing reduces the risk of future criminal justice system involvement and, in doing so, strengthens public safety. That does not mean everyone with a criminal history will satisfy legitimate tenant screening criteria that apply to all applicants equally. Housing providers would retain the authority to screen out individuals who they determine, based on consideration of relevant information, pose a threat to the health and safety of other tenants. The proposed rule would bar the categorical, blanket exclusion of people with criminal records without regard to all relevant and contextualizing evidence and consideration of the full life someone has lived. Bottom Line HUD's proposed rule, "Reducing Barriers to HUD-Assisted Housing," aims to address discriminatory practices hindering individuals with criminal records from accessing safe, affordable housing. Emphasizing the importance of considering individuals' circumstances, the rule challenges blanket denials based solely on criminal history. HUD highlights the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities and the flawed nature of relying on outdated or incomplete records. The rule advocates for individualized assessments, considering mitigating factors like rehabilitation efforts and the relevance of past offenses to tenancy. It outlines procedural requirements for admissions decisions, ensuring transparency and fairness for applicants. While maintaining safety standards, the rule discourages overbroad exclusions and encourages housing providers to adopt a nuanced approach in accordance with Fair Housing Act principles. The proposed changes will apply to various HUD programs, including public housing and Section 8 assistance. However, exceptions are made for Housing Choice Voucher and Project-Based Voucher programs to maintain owner participation. Overall, the rule seeks to promote access to housing while safeguarding community well-being. It acknowledges the potential for rehabilitation and the value of considering each individual's unique circumstances. Owners and operators of HUD programs affected by the Proposed Rule are encouraged to review the rule and provide comments to HUD no later than June 9, 2024.

HUD Publishes Final Rule Persons with Criminal Convictions to Engage in Testing for Fair Housing Violations

On April 1, 2024, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a final rule on Expanding the Fair Housing Testing Pool for FHIP and FHAP Funded Entities. This document is a final rule issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding using fair housing testers with criminal convictions. The rule eliminates certain restrictions and responds to the need for a diverse group of testers with actual criminal convictions to fully investigate potentially discriminatory criminal background screening policies under federal civil rights laws. The document provides background information on the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in housing based on various protected characteristics. It explains that FHIP and FHAP were established to fund fair housing enforcement activities by government agencies and private non-profits. Testing is a key tool these entities use to investigate potential violations of the Fair Housing Act. The document also discusses the current regulatory landscape, which includes restrictions on using testers with criminal convictions. The proposed rule was issued in response to a directive from HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge to review HUD programs and remove barriers that prevent individuals with criminal histories from participating. The proposed rule received public comments, both in support and opposition. Supporters of the rule argued that it would expand opportunities for individuals with criminal convictions, promote equity and civil rights, and improve fair housing testing. Opponents expressed concerns about the credibility and safety of testers with criminal convictions. After carefully considering public comments, HUD has finalized the rule to remove the restrictions on testers with criminal convictions. This rule is expected not only to strengthen fair housing enforcement efforts but also provide employment opportunities and promote equity and inclusion for individuals with criminal conviction The document also addresses other issues, such as the impact on small entities, federalism considerations, environmental impact, and compliance with the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. It concludes with the amendments to the relevant parts of the Code of Federal Regulations. In summary, this document announces a final rule issued by HUD to remove restrictions on using fair housing testers with criminal convictions. The rule promotes equity, inclusion, and effective fair housing enforcement. It is based on public comments and considerations of various factors and amends the relevant regulations to reflect the changes. The final rule takes effect in May 2024.

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