On the Clients page, click "Login to the Client Dashboard".
A new window or tab will open with a sign in form. Enter your username and password, then click the Sign In button.
From the Dashboard, you can view the files currently pending review, as well as files that have been reviewed. You can sort through each of these tables by file name and upload date. Additionally, if you're looking for a specific file, you can quickly and easily search for it.
To upload files, you may either click "Upload Files" in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen or click the "Send New Files" button above the pending files table.
When you arrive at the file upload screen, you can either drag and drop your file into the white box under "Upload New Files", or you can click inside the white box to select the file from anywhere on your computer.
The upload process starts immediately, and you'll know it's done when you see the green checkmark. The file should appear in the "Files Pending Review" table on the Dashboard immediately, so you can go back to the Dashboard once an upload is complete to confirm we have received it.